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vannamei white feces medicine

Innovatives are matured a advanced extension of stock for water factor board, nutrition management and prevention & treatment of diseases in aquaculture. We provide Vannamei White feces medicine for prawn shrimp farming has currently lower productivity. Affect field to resolve the basis and restriction procedure and remedy have been done to prevent infectious of white feces diseases. shrimp white feces disease available a lot in the intestine are group of germs Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus.

Advantages of Innovatives:

  • Very efficient in controlling white gut disease.
  • Reconstruct all types of suggestive issue in Shrimp and Prawns.
  • Services in load improvement and Develops feed absorption.
  • Services in formidable across greatest gracious of digested disarrangement.
  • Support in avoid full bacterias and fungi disease in the basic.
  • Effective in prevention of White gut and to avoid white feces
  • Enhances immunity.

For More:

#3, Kalaivanar Nagar,
Tamilnadu, India. 
Call US: 7207602234  
Email: innovativeshrimps@gmail.Com


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prawn farming products white feces syndrome

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